5A (6th Form) Class Blog


Welcome to 5A's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.


It has been another busy week in 5A class.
Students excelled when making vegetable curry for the 5th time. It has been great to see students develop confidence and independence when cooking.
Many of the students have now targeted making this dish at home as their next step.
Students have also been working hard to prepare for our coffee morning which will be taking place during the last week of term...more updates to follow. 
Students have been pricing up the items they will need to buy and practicing using  the equipment they will use.


It has been another busy week for our sixth form class with lots of the normal learning and work experience activities going on, but there have also been some really significant events. 
Firstly, 2 of our students took the massive step of signing onto a college course for next year. This represents really significant progress.
for these 2 individuals.
It is always great to see people moving towards their futures with purpose and determination. Another significant happening took place on Tuesday when all of the students in 5A class went along to the team's life centre in Dunston to take part in a painting and decorating taster today. During this event, students got to practice a variety of skills which will help them in the future.


It has been another busy week in 5A class.
As has become the norm now we have had several students out on work experience placements.
On Tuesday Elliot helped another student find her way to the QE hospital before catching a bus into Gateshead to meet the rest of the class. It was great to see our students supporting one another on their journey to independence.
The other standout highlight from this week has been the work that students have been doing around enterprise. Our class have been offering personalised keyrings to students from across the school. It has been great to see the class working as a team and developing their own individual skills to create some great products.
Well done 5A class.


It has been another busy week in 5A class.
Once again we have had a number of students out on work experience at a variety of sites across Gateshead with Choices College. The continued reports coming in are full of praise for these students and the work they are doing.
This week, in class, students have been working on writing a biographical piece. This is an ongoing piece of work which has seen the students drafting and re-drafting to improve their work. Students have shown great resilience and a determination to act of the feedback they have been given.
In Numeracy, students have been looking at perimeter and area. It was great to see Mr Morton explain to the students why this work is so important and where the students might use these skills in the real world (when decorating their own houses).
On Friday students will be returning to Gibside as visitor journey volunteers. This is following the closure of the site due to last week's storms. Over the week the students have received high praise from the National Trust's inclusion officer Pearl Saddington who has said;
"I don’t know what you lot have done, but the rangers/social foresters are loving working with you, and are asking if the student visitor journey volunteers are going to be joining them"


On Monday, we did autobiographies and biographies identifying what is an autobiography and what’s a biography.  We learnt about drugs and online safety in our P.S.H.E. lessons.

On Tuesday, 5A students went on the 58 bus to Felling (Asda) where we did some shopping for Food Tech as we are making sausages and mash on Thursday.

On Wednesday, we presented data from the sheets we did.

On Thursday we did English and Maths. 1 student went to work experience at the TLC (Teams Life Center)

We then had food tech and we made our sausage and mash.

On Friday, unfortunately we didn’t go to Gibside National Trust due to the high wind conditions of up to 70mph. Instead, we did English. We had a group discussion about what would you write about yourself if you were writing your own autobiography. 

Written by pupil GG


It has been another busy week for the 6th form class.
Following an extremely cold visit to Gibside for our weekly work experience trip last week, this week we have been enjoying significantly better weather which we are hoping continues into Friday when we will be back at Gibside. This week Mr Morton will be taking the class to Gibside as Mr Evans is staying in school with A7 class.
It has been great this week to get fantastic reports about 3 of our students who have been out on work experience placements. The students have made a huge impression on the staff who they are working with!
Finally, it was also great this week to spend time during a literacy session reviewing the progress that students have made this year.  Students were asked to find examples within their work, showing where and how they had met their different targets. It was wonderful to hear the students talk about their successes! Bravo.


It's been a really busy first week back for the 6th formers. We have hit the ground running with our new timetable and the students have adapted really well to the changes that this has brought about.

Really significant news, is that we have 4 students going out on work experience on different days of the week during this half term. 

The 2 students who started their work placements on Tuesday received  glowing reports from their mentors about on how well they managed in the workplace.

As of now, we are heading to Gibside on Friday for our regular volunteering trip, however, we are keeping a close eye on the weather to see how this might impact our plans!

Meet the team...
Mr  Evans

Mr Evans


Mr  Taylor

Mr Taylor

Teaching Assistant