Welcome to 4C's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.
Highlight of the week:
‘Soaking the Teachers’ especially as Ms Pell was in the stocks. MT, MH, BP and AS certainly threw their wet sponges with enthusiasm and glee! We are very proud of CC who cleaned the whole hall of mud with a mop and bucket without being asked.
Achievements of the week:
We have been doing coordinates in Maths starting with basic pictures and moving up to plotting co-ordinates to create an image. In English we have looked at past and present tense and pronouns and how they are used in autobiographies. We have been clearing our classroom ready for the new furniture arriving over the holidays. We have spent a lot of time completing NOCN units for Independent Living to finalise for accreditation. We took part in a boccia tournament on Wednesday afternoon which was great fun and on Thursday afternoon we took part in ‘Soak the staff’. Ms Pell was a great sport and volunteered to be in the stocks. We are looking forward to a morning out at the Metrocentre as part of our independent travel and taking part in another round of our FIFA tournament as part of our enterprise. Hope you have a good holiday!
21st February 2025
Highlight of the week:
CC, CA and MH enjoyed a morning at Newcastle United Foundation, playing football on the roof top with other SEND schools. We all enjoyed MH’s birthday cake which his mum kindly brought into school.
Achievements of the week:
We been having a go at symmetry which has proved to be a bit tricky after we completed properties of 3D shapes. In English we further extended our sentences for our autobiographies to make our stories interesting for our audience. This week 4C made the final steps towards starting to film their final WJEC Media Studies final audio-visual sequence, which promises to 'kick off' next week: it's a football film! In PE, pupils discussed nutrition with foods and how some foods help us when exercising. Pupils participated in fitness circuits to improve scores from previous attempts so we are now suffering from sore muscles including Ms Pell! We have done Safer Internet Day and talking about the risks and how to avoid being scammed. In Food Tech we made a savoury pie of our choice and had to line a tin dish with pastry which we all did very well. Lastly, for independent living skills we have been talking about informed choices and consequences.
14th February 2025
Highlight of the week:
It has been Children’s Mental Health Week and we have had discussions and an assembly on why good mental health is important and how we can help ourselves to keep healthy in this way. We are currently working on how to be supportive and extra kind to one another every day. In drama we are studying KES to understand emotions and the impact we can have on others through the words we use. We have positively been responding to working and ‘living’ together in our classroom with occasional reminders.
AS did exceptionally well in naming 3D shapes independently and in general there have been some wonderful answers through careful thinking and problem solving. Ms Pell and I are really proud of the effort the whole class put into their learning and MS is giving answers to demonstrate his hidden talent in this area…WOW!
Achievements of the week:
The class have been able to extend their sentences from their autobiographical drafts and have added more detail to make it more interesting for the reader. It was a bit of challenge to remember parts of their own life but each person succeeded.
In Maths, the focus this week has been on the names of 3D shapes and exploring their properties. We did have some confusion between 2D and 3D names, so we went around school in two groups and identified objects and gave the name of the shape they corresponded too. We have also made some from nets which MS has proved fantastic at, especially with the cylinder and Mrs Bedson resorted to Sellotape. He was not impressed with her!!!
We made sausage rolls with some extra flair added through choices of seasoning; some of the choices were interesting and a success. All of the class are now getting equipment and ingredients independently to make pastry and washing up with less direction; they have improved on their sequencing in which order they need to do things.
Lastly, a trip to the Metrocentre on Friday for travel training. We researched timetables for the two buses we needed which we will be doing further work on. This is the first time we have had to research which tickets are best to buy and how to get around…a great new learning experience that will meet our EHCP targets!
Have a happy weekend!
7th february 2025
Highlight of the week:
We celebrated MT’s success at mastering partition as she showed so much resilience when being poorly. The ‘penny dropped’ when we took out physical Base 10 resources. She then demonstrated her mental maths abilities when we convinced her to be tested by several members of staff to display her skills. Fantastic progress and congratulations!
CC we are very proud of. He has worked totally independently and worked in place value up to a thousand in different formats which is a huge achievement for his independent learning and concentration.
Achievements of the week:
Everyone has challenged themselves in progressing with understanding place value and we are proud of their dedication and achievements. Next week we are back to shapes!
Our reflections on our personal life to write sentences for an autobiography has made us think hard but it was different to interviewing Ms Pell for a biography! We found it hard to think of questions however, we all did produce something about Ms Pell and ourselves. Thank you Ms Pell for your help!
Some of us listened to a presentation about internship given by an ex pupil which was interesting and it was great to see him back and catch up with him. This morning we went for a walk to Wrekenton to practice crossing the road safely and recognise different types of crossings.
We worked in collaboration with Mr Masters class on Holocaust Memorial Day. We made and put up thought trains.
Welcome to 4C's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.
We have been watching Kes in Media Studies to help us understand emotional literacy. We have been helping to clear out the classroom in readiness for our new furniture; we have thrown out a lot of items and had a good tidy-up.
In PE we focussed on darts but some of us also went on the trampoline. This week we made vegetarian meat and potato pasty in Food Technology. Most of us are now working independently by collecting our equipment, weighing and making the pastry, and clearing up. It is still quite difficult to fold the pastry when the filling keeps spilling out!
Due to the high winds on Friday, we didn’t go travel training but instead started working on our new NOCN accreditation unit ‘Getting About Safely’ which is just as important. We had a good discussion about possible dangers in the community and how we could avoid them. Some good learning took place.
Finally, a massive well done to MH who represented our class in an interschools swimming gala he was awarded 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals. What an achievement!
Media Studies took an exciting turn this week for 4C as they started to explore ideas for their very own original mini-films. We went to Newcastle to take photos of us crossing roads safely for our accreditation work and we also enhanced our learning in English by looking at the different autobiographies and biographies in Waterstones. The trip was finished off getting our snacks from Poundland and Greggs!
We started to understand key terms in English such as chronological and outlined our own autobiography. We have been looking at key positional vocabulary in Maths as well as properties of 2D shapes.
Everybody made a fantastic effort. This week we made sausage and bean pasty and improved our rubbing in method. PE we continued to learn how to play darts.
The highlight of the week is that MH used the bus app and found the bus stop we needed in Newcastle completely independently. Another busy week!
Highlight of the week:
We have all enjoyed sharing our holiday experiences and coming back together as a class family unit as well as a school community. We were tired from the fun and later nights when we returned but now swinging back into routine!
Achievements of the week:
We have started looking at geometry in Maths and this week explored different shape names, some of which are new to us. In PSHE we looked at what perseverance is and how it can help us. In Food Tech we made a cheesy pasty each which we all enjoyed eating afterwards. In English we have started looking at what is an autobiography and biography. For ILS we went travel training to Gateshead and to also met some of our EHCP targets. In PE we did the Beep Test and was exhausted afterwards! In drama we were learning keyboard skills.