Welcome to 3C's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.
Despite a tiring start to the week 3C have embraced all the activities and work placed in front of them. We focused our English lessons on Book Day activities. We enjoyed listening to and judging some of the entries for the 500 words competition on the BBC. The quiz set by Mrs Williams was thoroughly enjoyed by all and allowed the class to work in teams to match the blurb to the book title. Whilst we chose not to decorate a potato we did throw ourselves into designing book covers, writing about our favourite book and taking part in the extreme reading challenge. Congratulations to LS as she won a voucher for not only reading whilst enjoying her holiday hot tub but also being able to read whilst lying on a slide! I was super proud of everyone’s effort embracing reading and so were the class when they won a box of biscuits for their participation.
Swimming is on this week. Also, a reminder that it is gymnastics this term so please make sure your young person has their kit and is prepared to change into it.
Week two back in school is always a challenge for the young people as they’ve eased themselves in gently and now the ‘hard work’ is back in earnest.
In English this week we have been learning about synonyms to describe the character Grimy Nick from Street Child. We have used our knowledge of adjectives and synonyms to write a character description about Grimy Nick. Next week we will be working on Wanted Posters featuring Grimy Nick and his dog Snipe for a class display.
In Maths we have progressed with our catch up on handling money. Most people can add amounts to £1 and give change. Some young people can recognize place value and understand how to write amounts above £1 using the £ sign and a decimal point.
PSHE this week was thought provoking as we listened to accounts of people who had become victims of human trafficking and modern-day slavery.
Science is all about Nutrition. We have looked at what animals, plants and humans require to grow and thrive, surprisingly it is not chicken nuggets and chips, despite this being a favourite amongst some young people. We talked about having a balanced diet and recorded our work in our books on a drawing of a plate.
R.E. was a quiz to see what we had remembered about the Torah. We watched a video from BBC bitesize to support our findings. ICT was about learning how to release our work from the photocopier to give Ms. Dove a rest from it being her job.
All in all another busy week in 3C.
In English this week we have learnt about what it was like for children in the workhouse, especially how they were educated. We learnt that some Victorian children were born in the workhouse and knew nothing but cruelty and hard work. We did some comprehension work around this.
In Math’s we looked at decimal tenths. It was quite tricky as some young people hadn’t come across decimal notation before. In science we have continued exploring at with conductors and insulators. In ICT we had fun using our ideas from our flip books and transferring our skills to stickman animation.
This week 3C have made fantastic progress with their keyboard skills in Music, with some students being able to play the final steps on sheet 2! Next half term the plan is to continue with keyboard lessons to help students play songs. In Drama next half term we will be planning and performing a story that will use the 'creating an atmosphere' skills we have been learning. This week in PSHE our focus has been on personal hygiene. We discovered that our mobile phone screen could have more germs on than our toilet seat, Yuk!
However the best part of the week was running our tombola. We have bought and wrapped fidget toys and sweets for our enterprise task. If you would like to take part tickets are selling fast. It is 50p for 5 tickets, good luck.
In English this week we have continued planning a diary entry as if we were the character Jim Jarvis. We followed a step by step plan, learning about writing a list using bullet points. We wrote our entry using capital letters at the beginning of sentences and a suitable method of punctuation at the end of the sentence. It was important to follow our plan to make sure our diary entry was sequenced so that the reader could understand the trauma Jim and his family went though. We relied on non-fiction information about the conditions in the workhouse and how families could be separated through no fault of their own. In SPaG (spelling and grammar) we had a spelling test based on the ay, ai and a-e words we worked on last week. .
In Math’s we started work on fractions of amounts which wasn’t as easy as some young people thought it might be. We used ten rods and cubes to help and learnt how to use a multiplication grid to support divisional work. R.E. was about the conflict in the Gaza strip and how this conflict has been ongoing and how land has changed between the two nations.
In science we have looked at and experimented with conductors and insulators. In ICT we had fun making simple flip books. We watched a youtuber giving a demonstration on a simple way to make a person move and a ball bounce. We are hoping to use animation once we can install a suitable app. This week has been mental health week. We have focused on various ways in which we can look after our mental health.