A4 Class blog


Welcome to A4's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to. 


A4 have had a lovely week. 
In English we started reading The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We looked at the front cover and then predicted where the story may take place after reading the blurb. Students then thought about the characters and setting and used verbs and adjectives to describe them. 
In Maths we started working on money, matching coins and values and then thinking about finding the equivalents using different coins. 
 In PSHE we talked about what makes a good friend and how we should treat other people like we wish to be treated.
In Creativity we created our own mandalas by painting by numbers.
We also accessed the sensory rooms, Rebound therapy, music therapy and the movement room. Some students took part in lego club. One of our students experienced a sound bath which aims to aid regulation and sleep. 
Certificate of the week goes to JW for his excellent prediction work about The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.
Well done A4. 


A4 have had a busy week.  
In English we learnt about Roald Dahl, the author of our new class books The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. Students read about Dahl’s life and completed questions and colorful semantics.  
In Math's we made number using numicon, finding the numicon in various trays of sensory items including, flour, rice, pasta, shaving foam and chia seed slime.  We then read out the numbers then added 10.  Well Done to Dexter A who made large amounts and was able to add 10 and identify the number he had made. 
In Community skills this week we went for a walk to Oakwood shop to purchase our treats. 
Well Done to all students who participated in their swimming lessons this week managing 4 lengths each of each exercise instruction given by their instructor. 
We participated in minion cosmic yoga, practicing our bridge pose, triangle pose and other various stretches. 
We have made our own Madala design following on from our PowerPoint about Hinduism.  These will proudly be displayed outside of A4 classroom. 
We enjoyed our rebound session with Mr Pallas. 
One of our students participated in a sound bath, this involves relaxing music therapy to aid sleeping, relaxation and regulation. 
Students have worked very hard in their phonics lessons.  Well done to ER for excellent work. 
In food technology this week we have made a vegetable curry and rice, working on our chopping and measuring skills. 
The new sensory room is now up and running, students enjoyed their sessions in this week. 
With Miss Angus this week we have enjoyed our art and sensory lesson. 
Class Certificate this week goes to ER for an amazing week in school, completing lots of work, remaining regulated and joining in lessons with the full group in class. 


A4 class have had a busy and fun return to school after the holidays.  
It was World Book Day on Thursday. We celebrated by looking at different characters in books, identifying them by their physical characteristics. We then chose a character to create on our potatoes. We had Thomas the Tank Engine, Mr Messy, Spiderman, Mike Lebowski from Monsters Inc. Everyone showed their creative side!  
In Maths, through sensory play, we started creating and reading numbers past thousand. Everyone tried so hard and students should be so proud of themselves.  
We also accessed the brand new sensory room, iMuse and soft play. Students thoroughly enjoyed exploring the new equipment and have asked to go back many times through the week! 
We went to Glynfellis for Community Skills and the students did really well on the long walk back up the hill to school. It was fun being able to explore a different shop and buying from a new shop assistant.  
We also went to Washington Leisure Centre for swimming, had fun during Fitness Friday, worked hard on our phonics and engaged in sensory play. 
Well done A4 – another brilliant week! 


There’s been lots going on in A4 class this week.

In English we continued reading our story The Barnabus Project and we thought about how the main characters were feeling during different scenes in the story. In Maths we did a 3D shape hunt before building different shapes with ice lolly sticks and playdoh and identifying how many faces, edges and vertices each shape has.

In Understanding the World, students celebrated Lunar New Year by trying a range of Chinese food and drinks, such as spring rolls, hoisin sauce, pocky sticks and aloe vera juice and discussing our preferences. Students also made noodles in our cooking lesson and snakes from paper plates to celebrate the year of the snake.

We discussed road safety and then put it into practice when going on our Community Skills visit.

Students have also accessed the sensory rooms, movement room and rebound therapy as well as music therapy.

Well done A4, another great week

Class certificate goes to J W for his contribution to our phonics session.

Meet the team...
Mrs  Francisco

Mrs Francisco

Class Teacher

Mrs  Smith

Mrs Smith

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Anderson

Miss Anderson

Teaching Assistant

Mrs  Moore

Mrs Moore

Supply Teaching Assistant

About us

Welcome to A4. We are a class of seven students who are very lively! We all have unique personalities and have lots of energy! We have oodles of fun while we are learning!  We love to do sensory activities the most and to be outside. Some days we might come home with our uniform dirty but that only means we had the best day and made lots of mess while exploring our senses!  We are excited to learn and explore new things but most of all have fun!

Learning activities covered in our new informal curriculum strive to develop our independence, well being, communication and language skills while also giving us the sensory input we need through the likes of interactive sensory story, Attention Autism, play dough, sensory trays, bubbles, music and using individualised sensory diets to keep us calm and ready to engage in learning. We use zones of regulation to express our feelings throughout the day and various communication aids to support communication and independence as much as possible. Alongside all of this we working really hard on all of our targets especially the ones within our EHCP and individual learning plans. We are all super excited to be doing hydrotherapy, community skills and rebound too.

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