Welcome to 3D's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.
Monday for R.E we talked about Abraham and his son Isaac. Instead of Abraham sacrificing his son to God he slaughtered a lamb.
Tuesday some excellent progress has been made in maths recognition and writing decimal equivalents. Wednesday in science we talked about planning an investigation. What is a fare test an aim and a conclusion/ evaluation. I can describe different types of switches . In food tech most of us are working independently collecting our equipment weighing to make pastry and using a hot oven. Delicious sausages rolls were created.
Thursday we continued with the sound theme in drama.
Then we welcomed Friday swimming and enterprise.
This week we celebrated Chinese New Year, the year of the snake. School put on some lovely Chinese food to try: sweet & sour chicken bites, veggie curry and prawn crackers to name a few. We had some fun in science making circuits. In Humanities, we are looking at the plague so we made buboes (boils) out of profiter, custard and black and red food colouring, then some pupils popped them and were brave enough to eat them.
This week in maths we did number bonds to 100. Then in English we read the first four chapters of Street Child then worked on objectives. In PE we did a type of darts that is hundred times bigger than a standard darts board we used sticky balls instead of darts. On Wednesday some pupils from our class took part in a swimming Gala against other schools we all came back with medals. That is all for this week folks. See you next time. Gamer J and SLS
We have all returned after the Christmas holiday but we thought we would share with you what we got up to at the end of last term. We have chosen to have class reporters and take responsibility for writing the blog ourselves.
The Blog before Christmas
Hello this is 3D and we are going to tell you what we did on the last week before xmas. On the last week on Monday we went to a cinema to see Moana 2 and the class enjoyed it very much and liked the singing and dramatic scenes in the movie.
Then we went to Burger King and the class got to choose what they wanted from there. We enjoyed our meals so much that most of the food was gone and we were very full.
And then on Wednesday, we had Christmas dinner with the teachers and we got to pull Christmas crackers and tell silly jokes. Then later that day we had a disco, and everyone loved the music, and everyone did interesting dances. On Friday we had a little party in our classroom with cake, crisps and more, we watched the Red One. Then the Grinch ran into the classroom and scared JN so much that he ran to the other side of the classroom. When the Grinch left the classroom we all laughed and chuckled. We hope you liked our weekly blog, see you next week.
Speak soon
From reporter Gamer JN and Reporter SLS.