3E Class Blog


Welcome to 3E's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to. 


Classes 3E and 3D had a fantastic Monday morning at the Centre for LifeWe explored the Brain Zone, the Wow Zone and had an amazing time learning about the Solar System in the Planetarium.  What a pleasure to take out on a school trip. 

In art this week we have been using the work of LS Lowry as an inspirationWe hope you enjoy the work we have producedNext week we will be looking at landscapes using the colours which Lowry used. 

The Quiz Master continues to challenge staff with his quizGood luck everyone!!! 

Miss Allison was impressed by the classes boccia skillsWell done to the boys, who won two games in a row! 

This week 3E has been incredible for making Musical progress in keyboard skillsSome students in the class were able to get stars in ALL of their 6 targeted skillsWe have some budding pianists in our midst! 

We are heading off to Beamish today and will let you know all about it next week. 


This week has been off to a fantastic start with our trip to the Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle.  We saw 2 Lowry paintings of Newcastle and we explored the colours he usedWe also saw statues, photographs of ships built many years ago, as well as lots of different types of art workThe pupils' behaviour was exceptional, and it was a pleasure to undertake this visit with themA big thank you to all pupils and Mrs. Gatt for making the trip so enjoyable. 

We are continuing to sell lots of ice lollies as part of our enterprise workJH, DA and MH have done a fantastic job encouraging everyone to spend their hard, earned cash!  A massive thankyou to DA’s mam and dad for sending a donation of ice lollies to help out. 😊  

Next week we are going to The Centre for Life on Monday, and Beamish on FridayPlease don’t forget to return your permission slipsYou can also bring £5 to buy a souvenir from the trips (and to get a bag of chips when we are at Beamish).


We have been enjoying the new MUGA timetable at lunchtime – thank you to Mr Pallas for sorting this out.  This week we have scored lots of goals past Mr Pallas (JH managed to get 16 of these) and DA has been practicing his goal keeping skills. 

On Monday, MH represented the school at a football tournament.   The team did brilliantly and won the first roundWell done to everyone involved – we are really proud of you. 

On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz the whole class designed doves of peace and recorded a wish they would like for the world – peace, tolerance and friendship were the most popular wishes from the class. The pupils have shown such understanding and care towards others during our discussions. 

On Tuesday we met our new teacher, Miss Austin and we are looking forward to getting to know her better over the coming weeks. 

Wednesday saw us celebrating the Chinese New Year in styleWe learned the story of The Great Race, made dragon masks and explored the Chinese zodiac. 


We have had another amazing week in 3E!!  JH, MH, and EP represented our school at the swimming gala and did extremely wellThey were a credit to the school and returned to school with medals and a trophyWell done! 

In history, with Mrs Whitehead, we made pustules and boils as part of our work learning about the Black DeathIt was messy and fun to explore what illness was like during the Elizabethan period. 

We explored colour mixing in art linked to our work on LowryWhat a great job everyone did making new colours and shades. 

DA, LMH, MM, TLT, and RP watched a live video to commemorate Holocaust Memorial DayThe empathy and understanding they demonstrated towards people who experienced this was extremely touching and made me very proud of them all. 

A special mention to DA who really stepped up to the mark when Mrs Gatt was away supporting at the swimming galaDA helped set up lessons, helped with snacks, and showed a lot of understanding when answering questions in our PSHE work. 

Next week we are beginning our enterprise activities.  We are running a Name the Bear competition across schoolTickets will be sold for 20p a name slot. 


This week 3E have made good progress in Music as they learn to play the keyboard, using correct hand positions, timing and learning the keys.  

We have continued to read Street Child this week and have exploring how the characters act and feel.  DA gave some great answers to some really challenging questions and showed a great deal of empathy.    

MH, DA, RP attended a boy's football event on Wednesday.  They made us really proud with their attitude and sportsmanship throughout the session.  They won 2 of their matches.  Well done boys!

We have been learning about running a business and will let you know more about this next week.


Despite the really cold weather which has caused some disruption to our timetable, Class 3E had made a fantastic return following the Christmas break.  All pupils have demonstrated an amazing attitude towards learning and have worked hard throughout the week. 


As part of our English work, we are reading “Street Child” by Berlie DohertyThe book is set during Victorian times, and the pupils have been fascinated to begin learning about life in Victorian England.  MH and RP have shown a love of history throughout our class discussions and were able to recall past learning about the workhouse and what it was like for children living there.   We will be visiting Beamish Museum later in the term to enhance our learning of this era and details of the visit will be sent to parents/carers shortly. 


We will also be visiting the Life Centre and the Laing Art Gallery this term to support our learning in science and art.  TLT has made some interesting insights into the work of LS Lowry when she imagined that she was a character in one of his paintingsWe are all looking forward to seeing some of his paintings when we visit the Laing Art Gallery. 

Meet the team...
Ms  Allison

Ms Allison


Mrs  Whitehead

Mrs Whitehead


Mrs  Gatt

Mrs Gatt

Teaching Assistant