A7 (6th Form) Class Blog


Welcome to A7's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to. 


This week in A7 class;
ENGLISH: We’ve continued practicing our phonics at the various levels we are at and RWI, some pupils have also been doing Functional skills work and SpAG work. We’ve also read our class sensory story this week; Shark in the park which the pupils really enjoyed.
MATHS: We’ve been working on 2D and 3D shapes and patterns. Matching, sorting, identfying and recognising as well as some pupils exploring the properties of shape.
UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: We’ve continued looking at leaders in school and our local community and how they help us and keep us safe. 
HEALTH & WELLBEING: In Health and Wellbeing we’ve looked at caring for clothing - looking at dirty and clean items and clothes and now sorting light, dark and coloured clothing. We’ve also had pupils attend swimming, rebound therapy with Mr Pallas and we’ve begun a leisure games topic playing 10 pin bowling, new age kurling and pool.
ILS: In ILS this HT we will be working on planning and preparing food, we practiced peeling skills with our hands and a peeler. We've peeled potatoes to make chips and carrots to make carrot crisps using the air fryer. We’ve also attended our new destination for Community Skills this HT; Fewster Square navigating a new destination on the bus, selecting items of choice, communicating with shop staff and money handling.
CREATIVE: With Miss Angus we’ve been exploring space through sensory play, sensory room and iMuse and continuing our independence skills making and preparing simple snacks and drinks.
KP: Following expectations and rules and engaging in all week well this week.
CP: Excellent engagement and work on phonics during English lessons.


ENGLISH: We’ve continued practicing our phonics at the various levels we are at and RWI. .  We’ve also read our class sensory story this week; The Barnabus Project
MATHS: We’ve completed baseline assessments in shape and time and been looking at symmetry in shapes.
UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD: We’ve explored our new half term topic of leaders and who in our school, community and local environment is a leader and what their job is.
HEALTH & WELLBEING: In Health and Wellbeing we’ve looked at caring for clothing - looking at dirty and clean items and clothes We’ve also had pupils attend swimming, rebound therapy with Mr Pallas and we’ve begun a leisure games topic playing 10 pin bowling, darts and pool
ILS: In ILS this half term we will be working on planning and preparing food, we practiced peeling skills with our hands and a peeler. We've tried peeling oranges, bananas, apples and carrots. We’ve also attended  a new destination for Community Skills; Fewster Square navigating a new destination on the bus, selecting items of choice, communicating with shop staff and money handling.
CREATIVE: With Miss Angus we’ve been looking at leaders from the past and practicing our social skills and independence skills playing games cooperatively and washing our plates and cups after making snack.
AMc: Excellent independence skills and engaging in peeling skills in Food Tech.
CR: Excellent behaviour and engagement in swimming this week.

Meet the team...

Mr  Morton

Mr Morton


Mrs  Wilson

Mrs Wilson

Teaching Assistant

Mr  Thompson

Mr Thompson

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Tate

Miss Tate

Teaching Assistant

About us

A7 is the 6th form class within the Autism Department. The class has 4 staff and 8 pupils. The majority of pupils access the informal and semi formal pathways however, some pupils integrate with main school 6th form to access the formal pathway and undertake accreditation (Functional Skills).

The pupils work towards the Hill Top School;  Life Skills Passport, alongside thematic curriculum topic areas. The pupils also focus on the emotions and feelings using; Zones of Regulation, access sensory diets, Attention Autism and the principles of SCERTS and TEACCH. Pupils EHCP targets are also an important part of learning each academic day as they prepare for adulthood and life after Hill Top School.