A2 Class Blog


Welcome to A2's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to. 


This half term in A2, we have been very busy! For English we enjoyed our sensory stories, Monkey Puzzle and Shark in the Park. We did work on identifying characters in the story, and some of us worked on describing the characters and anticipating what would come next in the story. In maths, we have done lots of work on shapes, patterns and symmetry. We made some butterfly pictures and explored using mirrors for symmetry. 

Our topic this half term has been leaders. We learned first about leaders in our school. We then looked at leaders in their field, including Frida Kahlo, David Attenborough and Neil Armstrong. We did some lovely Frida Kahlo inspired artwork, made some space themed sensory bottles.

We have enjoyed our food technology sessions, practicing peeling and making fruit salads and banana splits. We also made cookies and some themed food technology lessons based around our topics, including snake breadsticks for Chinese New Year and tacos when we were learning about Frida Kahlo. 

In independent living, we practiced teeth brushing and looked at what items we might find in a first aid kit, and who can help us in the community. As always, we did very well in our Attention Autism sessions and enjoyed swimming and hydro sessions too!


In maths this week, we continued learning about symmetry and explored using mirrors, looking at our reflections using props, and experimenting with infinity lights.
In English, we did some more work on identifying and describing characters from our sensory story, "shark in the park".

In sensory play, we enjoyed making some playdough and doing playdough disco. We made some Valentines Day cookies in food technology. We did so well following visual instructions. 

With Miss Angus, we took turns playing the keyboard and using the microphone, we had lots of fun! In creativity, we made some collage pictures and we have also made some Valentine's pictures to take home.

We have had a great week!


This week in A2, we have started our new sensory story, "shark in the park". We had lots of fun!

In maths, we continued with symmetry and made some butterfly pictures. 

As we continue to look at leaders this term, this week we looked at Frida Kahlo. We made some fantastic artwork based on Frida Kahlo's techniques. In food technology, we made some Mexican tacos to tie in with our Frida Kahlo theme.

In creativity with Miss Angus, we learned about about Boadicea and enjoyed some dressing up in Roman outfits and decorated some shields.

We also had a lovely session in soft play with the instruments, follow the leader style, copying the beat. 
Meet the team...
Miss  Short

Miss Short

Class Teacher

Miss  Wilson

Miss Wilson

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Rumming

Miss Rumming

Teaching assistant

Mr  Cullerton

Mr Cullerton

Teaching Assistant

Mrs  Hindmarsh

Mrs Hindmarsh

Teaching Assistant

About us

In A2 we are a group of 5 students we are a sensory class that follow a mixture of an informal and semi formal curriculum. Most students communicate using a combination of spoken words, symbols, visuals, communication books and boards to help them communicate throughout the day. We love daily Attention Autism sessions, this helps us practice shared attention, turn taking and communication. We like to spend lots of time outside and regulating with different sensory activities. We follow a TEACCH approach were students complete three familiar activities twice a day to increase independence in class. We work really hard on our EHCP targets, communication and regulation throughout the day. 

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