4A Class Blog


Welcome to 4A's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.

Another busy week of hard work and study for 4A. We have been finishing off autobiographies and started to look at some poetry. We first looked at some simple nursery rhymes and the pupils were shocked to find that some of their childhood favorites has disturbing back stories.

In Maths we’ve started to look at pictograms and tally charts in statistics after finishing off the geometry unit.

The staff accompanied the pupils in their scaffolded independent travel training to Gateshead. The young people handled themselves well navigating the town centre and some of its occupants. Next they will support each other to buy some life skills ingredients.


Happy Valentine’s Day from 4A. 

In class this week we have been getting ready to put the final touches to our autobiographies by looking towards our hopes and dreams for our futures.  

In maths we mixed map work with coordinates before being bamboozled by symmetries of 3D shapes. We did like using mirrors though but mainly checking out our good looks! 

In food technology we made sausage rolls showing that we all have got the hang short crust pastry. 

In Drama, this week saw 4A making excellent progress towards completing their WJEC Media Studies course as they planned their events and scenes for their final film: very very creepy! 

In PE. pupils in 4A have participated in fitness circuits, pupils have tried new exercises. Pupils worked hard to improve their score.  

The pupils travelled to Fewsters square on Friday. They did this supporting each other and going on the bus with no adult supervision. It was great to see the maturity of the pupils in the community and we are taking steps to increase independence and confidence. 

Next week we are looking forward to visiting a local church and the FIFA tournament that starts today with the first roundAlso, the pupils are saving up their money to have the chance of throwing cold, wet sponges at some staff in the stocks. All are so happy that Miss Rown volunteered. 


This week 4A have got stuck into the work they have been given. In Maths we’ve been identifying cute, and those larger obtuse angles as well as describing vertical, horizontal and parallel lines. Next week we are going to revisit time, so staff don’t have to tell pupils how long to break/home time so often. 

Five of young ladies were involved in football this week visiting Newcastle foundation playing against other special schoolsThe rest of the class had fun creating fake news and tweets after learning about deep fake AIs.  

We’ve looked at how laws are made and had a lively discussion about crime and punishment, with the class split 50/50 on capital punishment. 

Two weeks left till half term. The days will fly by! 


It’s the end of January already, this year is flying by! 

Another bust week in 4A. We asked the pupils what they remembered about this week and if they enjoyed any of it. 

  • Dopamine and how it works. 

  • Shopping for Mr. Weites ingredients for food technology. 

  • Trying to draw lines of symmetry and looking at overweight Obtuse angles. 

  • Reminding ourselves about alphabetical rules. 

  • Making pasties and improving pastry skills. 

  • Celebrating Chinese New Year with a special lunch. 

The staff had a chat, and we are both proud as all pupils try to help each other and have developed into a caring group. It’s a high five from us! 

See you in February! 


It’s been a lovely week in 4A. 

We have delved deeper into autobiographies with the pupils identifying key moments in their lives in chronological order. There have been some interesting revelations! 

In science, we discovered that women have a more complex hormone dance than men and nearly all agreed that Women are the best. 

In PSHE we looked at the teenage brain linking to sleep and risk management. Young people take more risks due to brain development and some of 4A have decided to use this as an excuse next time they stray from the path. 

The class helped organize the Holocaust Memorial Day on Monday 27th January. They distributed the lights to be placed in windows from 8 pm to the participating classes. 

The wind threw our independent travel plans off on Friday but we're planning to try again next week, to buy our ingredients for food tech. 

Be safe all. 

4A team 


In 4A this week we’ve had a few pupils off ill but the young people who came in benefitted from some pretty intense work.  

Some excellent progress has been made in Read, write Inc. as pupils showed staff their improvement in phonics and started looking at the difference between a biography and an autobiography. In mathematics, after being triumphant around 2D shapes, the focus is turning to angles. 

In science, we talked about the nervous system, and in PSHE staff and pupils were very interested in learning about sleep, how to achieve a peaceful night, and its importance.   

The pupils are looking forward to our visit to local shops on Friday as many have independent travel links as a part of their ECHP targets, or it could be just a chance to get a Greggs pizza. 

We all hope that those who are ill get better soon and everyone has a good weekend. 

Mr. H 


Hello from 4A

Most of our students were involved in some way with the Christmas production this year. From backstage managers to singers and performers it was great to see all our pupils work hard as group. The show was a success, but that was never in doubt! 

In class, pupils have related the ghost of Christmas to come as a herald of death and discussed that we could make some changes to be better people and how we would like to be remembered. 

We’ve spent some time looking at safety on the web, investigating the dangers of the dark web and how to avoid online scams. 


A lot of 4A have spent time rehearsing for the Christmas performance. We have back stage crew, dancers and singers wanting to impress next week, (Thursday 15th December, doors from 1.25pm.). 

In English we’ve looked at Christmas present compared to the kind of Christmases portrayed in A Christmas Carol. 

Maths we’ve revisited measures and in Geography looked at the impact of tourism on places like the Lake District. In Science we have researched some recreational drugs and looked at lifestyle choices can influence later life. 


Being safe.

The class revisited road safety and risk assessments. Making sure we knew expected social norms when in our wider communities.

The class took part in quizzes around scams and AI usage in fraudulent behaviors. The pupils scored very highly as a group.


The class revisited personal awareness extending into online questionnaires about their own personalities. The pupils knew that this would not give a definitive answer or a diagnosis but we were pleased to find Debaters, Mediators, Architects, defenders, advocates and Entrepreneurs in our group.

We went on to link the skills from our personalities test to the available jobs found this morning. Some showed some interest in apprenticeships.

Meet the team...
Mr  Holmes

Mr Holmes


Mrs  Rowan

Mrs Rowan

Teaching Assistant

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