Welcome to 3A's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.Â
This week, we celebrated one of our pupils gaining an extreme reading award – next to Tommy in Seaham, whilst one was able to buy himself a Ferrari using his attendance prize – just a toy – sorry! Â
The pupils have continued to consolidate their work on money, playing games to learn how to make different amounts of money. Â
We tested rocks in science and compared them. In history, we presented castle plans to each other, using speaking and listening skills to good effect. In ILS, the pupils have discussed the chores they do at home – some more than others! JC is keen to start shopping and JS helps to tidy his Lego away. Â
We are slowly making our way through Street child and the pupils are keen to find out what happens to Jim Jarvis. In PSHE, we are finding out about how to cope with different emotions, focusing on anger this week. Â
In RE. we are using hand signs to learn and remember the ten commandments and have continued to develop our skills in ICT using word and PowerPoint.   Â
We have spent some time in the new sensory room and the pupils are enjoying this very much and responding to the sensory input. Â
The pupils have been showing what they have learnt this half term using an English and maths learning mat. Some great progress in fractions and super use of spelling, punctuation and grammar in English. Pupils have understood what the workhouse would be like and chosen appropriate adjectives. Â
We have learnt to use an ironing board in ILS and the pupils each used the vending machine at the swimming pool to purchase a tasty treat. Â
21st february 2025
PE - practising their boccia skills for the Boccia tournament next week.14th February 2025
Some great work this week especially in English where the pupils have been practisng their drama skills. They are learning what it would be like to be poor in Victorian times and what woyuld happen if you could not work! WE have made some lovely videosÂ
In ILS, pupils have looked at labels and decided how to wash particular items. We know why some items cannot be washed, bleached or ironed. Â
PSHE We learned how to order items online and how shopping at different shops can help us to save money. Â
Swimming We have continued to show independence in the swimming pool and during changing. Â
The Apprentice  We have started selling our water this week – 3a Coolest Water at 50p per bottle. Stocks are selling fast so if you would like a bottle, send in your 50p!