4D Class Blog


Welcome to 4D's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to. 


It's been a couple of weeks since 4D had an update for everyone, so here goes.  As part of enterprise, we created 'Stlonny's' - the greatest store in the history of the world.  Stlonny's - the creation of JR and SF - has been a great success and they have made a handsome profit in the last two weeks.  We're very proud of the work they have put into making it all work.  Well done lads!

In other news, LD has completed his entry level 3 maths work and he's very happy with that.


Last week, two of our pupils (JR and LB) went to an enrolment event at the Team Valley Campus of Gateshead College.  LB is hoping to begin a construction course next year, whilst JR wants to do mechanics (focusing on respraying cars).

This is a big milestone for them as they will both need to work very hard to get the qualifications they need to be accepted between now and when they finish at the end of the academic year.

They came back from the event, full of enthusiasm and are both really looking forward to being able to start their training.


This week in 4D we did a lot of work in PSHE looking at Diversity and Identity.  We talked about the various models and debated on whether identity remains constant or changes over time. 

In maths, we've completed work on fractions and how they relate to decimals and done conversions between the two.  In literacy we've begun our work on 'A Christmas Carol'.

LB has been helping out with rehearsals for the school Christmas production and has also represented the school in the KS4 basketball tournament, so the class certificate this week goes to him

Meet the team...
Mr  Flatman

Mr Flatman


Miss  Barnes

Miss Barnes

Teaching Assistant