3B Class Blog


Welcome to 3B's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.


Class 3B really enjoyed their ILS lesson this week where they looked at safety linked to changing light bulbs. We  changed a range of light bulbs ourselves to test their knowledge. Also, a congratulations to our stars of the week this week too. Well done LW, AW and DK.'


A quick whistle stop tour of the last few weeks in 3B. 
Although we loved making money in our Enterprise project, we also loved spending it. We loved soaking Mr Ellison and throwing wet sponges at him. We have also recently enjoyed two amazing trips to Lumley and Bamburgh Castle to support our History topic. We thoroughly enjoyed both visits.
This week we loved our World Book Day competition where we recreated book characters out of potatoes. Congratulations to LW on winning one of the prizes. 


Another great week in 3B. We loved making pizzas this week and taste testing. 
We finished the week raising awareness for children's Mental Health Week. We body mapped our strengths and hobbies along with making our own 'islands of personality' and comparing them to Riley's from Inside Out 2. 


Here is a quick summary of another busy week in 3B.
We have continued to develop our programming skills and this week, we created our own maps, with added obstacles. 
This week in Cookery we loved making our own cookies. We did so well to use the ovens safely and obviously, taste test our creations!
We have continued to really enjoy our Space Science topic. This week, we took part in a role-play session acting out key moments in scientific theories, linked to Space. 
We finished the week wishing one of our friends a happy birthday. We also learned how to sign, whilst singing the song to our friend.

Great work 3B.


This week's highlight in 3B was certainly in Food Tech. Our independence and confidence has progressed so much since September. We used the frying pans independently this week and made some delicious quesadillas.


Another great week in 3B.

We have completed so many teamwork challenges this week within our curriculum. We have worked well in teams, to sort clothes according to washing instructions in ILS. We have done so well working in teams to complete a range of budgeting challenges in PSHE. Finally, we have quizzed it out in History and Science, testing our knowledge on castles and Space. 
A genuine well done to the whole class this week for cooperating and working so well with their friends. 


3B have had a great first week back. We have enjoyed discovering our new topics, especially in ICT and History. We all enjoyed our instructions lesson linked to programming where we directed our friends around class. We also began our castles topics with a competition. We had to draw and label our images with as much information as possible. We hope you like the winners. Also, a special mention to MAA, JS and LW in their efforts in the Bleep Test this week. Amazing.'

Meet the Team...
Mr  Ellison

Mr Ellison


Miss  Elwin

Miss Elwin

Teaching Assistant