Welcome to 4B's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.
Students in 4B have been exploring autobiographical writing this week, looking at the key features of an autobiography and the differences between that and biographies. They identified the need to write in the first person when writing about themselves, compared to writing in the third person for biographical writing.
Students spend time understanding sequencing and chronological order, to support their own writing and they created an autobiographical paragraph covering some simple information about their lives so far.
4B have also started a new topic in maths – geometry – and have been practising drawing perfect circles using pairs of compasses, which many have used for the first time. They have also been finding examples in nature of typical shapes, to see how often geometry s reflected in the environment.
Students are also busy planning the creation of their own movies after exploring camera angles and ligting
The students also walked to Wreckenton to complete more travel training, building confidence with crossings and coping in busy shop environments. They all coped well and many of them are learning to manage money and interacting with shop staff and fellow customers politely and with respect.