Welcome to 4B's class blog. Here you will see regular updates from our class giving you an insight into the work we get up to.
4B have had a busy and varied week. TM, CH and JD played in a series of football matches on Thursday in Gosforth, returning suitably shattered from their efforts. The whole class have been working on a music video in media lessons, creating a pop-like clip using Slipknot as the background. In English, they have been planning a metaphor poem, where they will be describing natural elements as animals or humans. They also created ‘The Hill Top Rap’ – based on rhyming couplets.
Yo! I’m coming to you from HT,
sometimes that is a mad place to be.
At times the kidz can get wild,
which makes the teachers feel riled.
Running, jumping and the beep test,
luckily no one had a cardiac arrest.
Creativity in lessons makes us inspired,
after all this fun, we go home tired.
On Friday, the class took a bus to Newcastle and walked across The Millennium Bridge and viewed the art in The Baltic Gallery, before walking to Trinity Square to catch a bus back to school.
21st March 2025
This week was all fun and games for 4B in Media Studies, as they filmed another section of their final Audio-Visual Sequence, where famous scientists crossed swords and danced!
In PE, pupils have played various of mini games in Boccia to improve their skills for next week’s Inter-house Boccia event. Pupils were looking to improve their accuracy.
The highlight of the week has been the trip to Newcastle Cathedral where the students spent time looking around the Norman Cathedral. One thing they were keen to see was the Baptismal Font as they have been learning about the Christian naming celebration.
The font in Newcastle Cathedral is very interesting and filled with holy water, which is used by visitors to sign themselves with the mark of the cross when entering to pray or reflect.
The biographies that students are working on are coming together, with a range of people covered. We are looking forward to finding out about the subjects which include: Bobby Charlton, David Goggins, Gabe Newall and Alan Becker.
Finally, the class have been exploring the importance of immunity and how the body fights diseases. They have completed group work and learnt about how pathogens can find ways to get into our system and attack us from the inside.
This week was an important week with regards to remembering The Holocaust and 4B, like the rest of the school, were taking part in the memorial to the 80th year since liberation of the concentration camp known as Auschwitz.
Last week the students joined an online talk, given by a survivor of the camp, which provided much food for thought as the reality was exposed. It led to an interesting discussion about what would happen to many of the people in our school if we were to be subjected to the same discrimination.
On Monday, the class took part in an assembly, leading to an activity where they imagined what it would be like to be crammed into one of the rail carriages as they were transported to the death camp. Students wrote down imagined thoughts and phrases that the people might think or say. They then followed this by putting the carriages on the wall, forming a long train, filled with sad thoughts and emotive feelings – it was a somber and heartfelt moment.
Students in 4B have been exploring autobiographical writing this week, looking at the key features of an autobiography and the differences between that and biographies. They identified the need to write in the first person when writing about themselves, compared to writing in the third person for biographical writing.
Students spend time understanding sequencing and chronological order, to support their own writing and they created an autobiographical paragraph covering some simple information about their lives so far.
4B have also started a new topic in maths – geometry – and have been practising drawing perfect circles using pairs of compasses, which many have used for the first time. They have also been finding examples in nature of typical shapes, to see how often geometry s reflected in the environment.
Students are also busy planning the creation of their own movies after exploring camera angles and ligting
The students also walked to Wreckenton to complete more travel training, building confidence with crossings and coping in busy shop environments. They all coped well and many of them are learning to manage money and interacting with shop staff and fellow customers politely and with respect.