

About us

In A2 class we have Miss Short, Miss Dobson, Miss Wilson, Miss Gray and Mrs Hindmarsh 

In A2 we are a group of 7 students we are a sensory class that follow a mixture of an informal and semi formal curriculum. Most students communicate using a combination of spoken words, symbols, visuals, communication books and boards to help them communicate throughout the day. We love daily Attention Autism sessions, this helps us practice shared attention, turn taking and communication. We like to spend lots of time outside and regulating with different sensory activities. We follow a TEACCH approach were students complete three familiar activities twice a day to increase independence in class. We work really hard on our EHCP targets, communication and regulation throughout the day. 

Meet the staff

Miss  Short

Miss Short

Class Teacher

Miss  Wilson

Miss Wilson

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Rumming

Miss Rumming

Teaching Assistant

Mr  Cullerton

Mr Cullerton

Teaching Assistant

Mrs  Hindmarsh

Mrs Hindmarsh

Teaching Assistant