Gateshead Autism hub
Gateshead Autism Hubs offer parents and carers of autistic children and young people (0-25 years) information, advice and support on a range of challenges that can impact autistic young people and their families. The Hubs provide drop-in sessions, peer support groups, and training for parents, carers, and professionals.
The Hubs can also offer information and signposting on related co-occurring conditions, such as: FASD, ADHD, Sensory Differences, Social and Communication Differences, Mental Health, and Learning Disabilities. Gateshead Autism Hubs are free to access for parents and carers.
An autism diagnosis is not required to access support.
Download the Gateshead Autism Hubs brochure here.
Please contact Daisy Chain if you’d like any information on the Gateshead Autism Hubs (including in a different language)