A7 - Sixth Form


About us

A7 is the 6th form class within the Autism Department. The class has 4 staff and 8 pupils. The majority of pupils access the informal and semi formal pathways however, some pupils integrate with main school 6th form to access the formal pathway and undertake accreditation (Functional Skills).

The pupils work towards the Hill Top School;  Life Skills Passport, alongside thematic curriculum topic areas. The pupils also focus on the emotions and feelings using; Zones of Regulation, access sensory diets, Attention Autism and the principles of SCERTS and TEACCH. Pupils EHCP targets are also an important part of learning each academic day as they prepare for adulthood and life after Hill Top School.

Meet the staff

Mr  Morton

Mr Morton

Class Teacher 6th Form and Autism Centre TLR

Mrs  Wilson

Mrs Wilson

Teaching Assistant

Mr  Thompson

Mr Thompson

Teaching Assistant

Miss  Tate

Miss Tate

Teaching Assistant

For sixth form our students if they can tolerate they will wear a blue jumper rather than black.